
Rs 199 Mobile-only Plan a Huge Success in India, Says Netflix

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Ecstatic at the success of its Rs. 199 mobile-only programme that it launched in India in August, Netflix is going to replicate information technology in other global markets also, the visitor's Master Product Officer, Gregory K Peters, said during the streaming giant'due south Q3 earnings call with analysts on Wednesday. The Rs. 199 mobile subscription plan in the Indian market is ane of the iv options the visitor offers in Bharat alongside the basic, standard and premium plans that are priced between Rs. 499 and Rs. 799.

"We've been very, very happy with the mobile plan. It's really performing improve than we tested. We'll wait at testing that in other markets because we think there are other markets which has like conditions that get in likely that that's going to exist successful for us there every bit well", said Peters.

He also said the company is going look at other plan structures in its global markets following the success of the entry-level plan in Bharat. "Nosotros'll run across them equally we roll out and we'll answer to them based on what our consumers in those markets", he said.

Neflix too announced that the 2nd flavour of 'Sacred Games' has been its almost watched show in the country. "To date, nosotros have globally released 100 seasons of local language, original scripted series from 17 countries and have plans for over 130 more than in 2020. Nosotros likewise program to expand our investment in local language original films and unscripted series", said the company.

Netflix added 6.eight million subscribers in the third quarter of this year internationally, compared to 7 1000000 information technology had forecast, fifty-fifty as it braces for strong competition with Apple and Disney preparing to launch similar services by the cease of this year.

With Inputs from IANS


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